FEB 23, 2025
Lake Deaton United Methodist Church
6500 Wesleyan Way Wildwood, FL 34785
DOORS OPEN @ 3:00 Ρ.Μ.
Potluck - Please bring a covered dish to share
For over 40 years, Aldersgate Emmaus has been an instrument in God’s plan to grow Disciples in relationship with Him throughout Central Florida. In affiliation with The Upper Room, International, our community has provided this 3-day “short course in Christianity”, strengthening believers with the tools and focus to live out their faith daily, and to prepare them, as God calls, into leadership in their local churches.
The Aldersgate Community holds their Walk to Emmaus weekends in the pristine setting of Camp Horizon in Leesburg, Florida. While anyone from any location may attend, most Pilgrims on the Walk reside in the Lake, Sumter, Marion, Osceola, Brevard, Volusia, Orange, Seminole, Citrus, Hernando, Pasco, Hillsborough, and Pinellas Counties.
Feel free to contact us if you are interested in participating in a Walk—our Community Lay Director would be happy to help you get started. If you have recently moved to our area, having been on a Walk in another Community and would like to become involved in the life of our Aldersgate Emmaus Community, we would love to have you! Contact our Board Representative in your areafor gathering dates and locations, as well as other Emmaus events.
We look forward to growing with you. DeColores!
Meet the Lay Director
Welcome to the Aldersgate Emmaus Community website, if you are new to this website, please click on the word register in the top right corner and create your profile, this way you will receive the newsletter and updates regarding the Walks. If you are already registered, please make sure your information is up to date. We have new features that allow you to apply to serve on a Team or register a Pilgrim you are sponsoring, right from here, after logging in, go to Applications. You could also make online team fee payments and donate to the Green agape from the Website as well, click on the Fourth Day tab.
My favorite scripture is ‘We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us’… Philippians 4:13; this scripture means we can Endure, Rejoice, be Content and to Serve, by relying on Christ’s strength.
On my Pilgrim weekend when I said “and Christ is Counting on ME!” I had to process what that meant to me, what is He counting on me to do? I found that Christ wants us to Give Back, to Serve, to be Involved, to be Active in the Emmaus community; to be the Hands and Feet of Christ in this world, our community, our church and the Walk to Emmaus movement. That is why I serve on teams, make agape, donate to the green agape (money that goes towards scholarships), go to the gatherings and joined a Reunion group; I wanted to uphold my promise to Christ.
Together we can make Aldersgate Emmaus stronger, we have the opportunity to give back and to serve, to sponsor and to be active in our communities. Christ is Counting on each one of us to do our part to strengthen not only the Emmaus ministry, but the Church and our surrounding communities.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20. Thank you to all who have served on Teams in 2023, made agape, donated to the Green Agape challenge, sponsored pilgrims and came to any of the events of the Walk weekends in 2023.
You are the Light of Christ! I pray as we continue on our journey, on our daily Walk, that we encounter Christ along the way, I pray that each one of us recognizes Him and He recognizes us. Let’s make 2024 the year that we become involved, as we serve together, to make our Church and Community stronger by sponsoring and serving in some capacity with the Walks this coming year. You may even prayerfully consider being a member of the Aldersgate Emmaus Board of Directors. See you at the Team meetings or any of the Emmaus weekend events for the Spring and Fall Walk Weekends. De Colores!
Get the latest news, happenings and dates for the Aldersgate Emmaus community.
For 25 years I was a Sunday-only Christian, but my Emmaus walk showed me that going to church is not enough. We must also BE the church. Now I live out my Christian faith everyday in many ways.
Men’s Walk to Emmaus #138
My Emmaus weekend was a turning point in my life. No longer was I just going to church. I learned how to BE the church! And I have been blessed by it ever since! †♥†
Women’s Walk to Emmaus #121
During my Walk to Emmaus weekend, I experienced the love of Christ in a way that I could have never imagined. It helped me to better understand what it means to be a part of the body of Christ and to share His love with the world.
Men’s Walk to Emmaus #133
I was a pilgrim on Maryland Emmaus 102 in 2002. I was a baby Christian at the time, and my pilgrim walk was so timely and invigorating. I am eager to get plugged in to my new home here in Tbe Villages.
My attendance at the Walk to Emmaus was the most meaningful spiritual growth experience that I have ever had! I was inspired to reach out to others and to spread God's love.