Updated with attachment!
All good things must come to an end. It’s been a great run! Time to move on. You’ve heard all of these “sayings” when there’s change in the air. As is usual with the Aldersgate Board, there will now be new folks in leadership and a new newsletter editor. Steve McIntosh will take over from Buddy Acton as Community Lay Director for 2023, and Mella Giannone will be the newsletter editor.
Steve is a great leader from the West Orange (County) Cluster and possesses a heart made of the very fabric of Christ. I am truly honored to call him my friend! Mella is one of those wonderful people that you feel you have known your entire life. She’s fun and funny, but also walks humbly with Jesus. She has produced the Walk Books for quite a few years , so the newsletter will be a great fit!
My time is over on the Board. I’ve been on the Board since 2014, so it’s time to back away and let others do the job. I’ll be at Candlelights, perhaps a Closing or two, and of course Gatherings along the West Coast.
Thanks to Buddy for a great job as Community Lay Director for 2022! He’s been a great Board leader and is on fire for Jesus!
Until we meet again...DeColores!
Gary Brelsford